FeedTicker is a simple RSS News Reader that scrolls entries across your desktop like tickertape. It's great for news feeds that are constantly updated. It's fun for the whole Family. It will make your Macintosh into a dead-sexy information nexus or realize your dreams of turning your monitor into CNN Headline News
Polls news feeds every half hour and scrolls the news across your screen whenever there is a change. Alternatively you can set FeedTicker to loop the entries so you have a constant supply of news.
A click on a news entry will open the link in your default browser.
A control-click or right-click on a news entry will open an information window with additional entry detail.
A set of entries can be prefaced with a Title entry labeling the group. Clicking on the title will bring Up the site the feed is from.
Control-clicking or right-clicking on a Title entry will open a menu with a list of all of the feed's entries.
Can be positioned anywhere on the screen or on additional screens by dragging the tape to the new position.
Can be configured to run floating on top of all of your windows or under your icons on the desktop.
Fonts as well as background and foreground colors are all configurable. It does transparency too!
Tickertape sound effects when new entries are introduced.